Time Signal Stations
Radio controlled watches receive the time from time signal stations in the longwave range.
From 1966 to end of 2011, the longwave radio station HBG in Prangins (VD) broadcast official time signals on 75 kHz with a power of 20 kW.In Germany, DCF77 near Frankfurt transmits time signals since 1973 on a frequency of 77.5 kHz. It's using a power of 50 kW.
The time signal of the russian station RWM can be received on short waves.
Every half hour, it restarts the following schedule: (0-8) continuous signal; (9) identification by morse code;
(10-20) every second a short beep, two beeps at the full minute; (20-30) every second 10 fast tones.
( 4996 kHz -
9996 kHz -
14996 kHz)
From Ottawa (Canada) you can sometimes hear the station CHU:
( 7850 kHz -
14670 kHz)
Located in Fort Collins (Colorado, USA) is station WWV:
( 5000 kHz -
10000 kHz -
15000 kHz -
20000 kHz)
>>> Check, if you can hear some time signals on the indicated frequencies!