Further Radio Applications
"Citizen's Band" or CB-Radio offers the possibility to use transmitters with a limited output power
of 4 W in the 11-m band - without the need for passing a radio operators exam.
In Switzerland, 40 channels in the range from 26.965 - 27.405 MHz are available.
CH1 -
CH2 -
CH3 -
CH4 -
CH5 -
CH6 -
CH7 -
CH8 -
CH9 -
CH10 -
CH11 -
CH12 -
CH13 -
CH14 -
CH15 -
CH16 -
CH17 -
CH18 -
CH19 -
CH39 -
To operate a radio in the 11-m band, a license is required. However, no license is needed for operation of PMR-walkie-talkies. They use 0.5 W in the 446.0 to 446.1 MHz range, where 8 channels are available.
CH1 - CH2 - CH3 - CH4 - CH5 - CH6 - CH7 - CH8 -
>>> Check if there is activity on the indicated frequencies!