Short wave broadcast stations (SW) 3
On Short waves, there are several broadcast "bands". They are frequency segments reserved for public broadcast. Since propagation conditions on SW change during the day and also in the course of the year, it is possible that no stations at all can be heard on some bands. Therefore, the stations often change their frequencies.
22 m Band (13'570 - 13'870 kHz):
13570 kHz -
13590 kHz -
13605 kHz -
13670 kHz -
13710 kHz -
13770 kHz
19 m Band (15'100 - 15'800 kHz):
15100 kHz -
15140 kHz -
15170 kHz -
15190 kHz -
15200 kHz -
15225 kHz
15400 kHz -
15435 kHz -
15470 kHz -
15505 kHz -
15555 kHz -
15580 kHz
15690 kHz -
15825 kHz
16 m Band (17'480 - 17'900 kHz):
17615 kHz -
17660 kHz -
17700 kHz -
17800 kHz -
17840 kHz
>>> Click on the indicated frequencies. Generally, you can only hear something on a few of them. If you don't hear anything, just try the next frequency.