Instructions for operating the panoramic telephony receiver

Several frequency bands are reserved for amateur radio. Within this bands, some ranges are reserved for Morse Code telegraphy, while others are mainly used for voice communication.

You can easily see on the "waterfall"-display, where you find radio signals. The brighter the lines are, the stronger are the signals.
A yellow receiving window shows, which signal you are actually receiving. Klick with the mouse on the receiving window and drag it to where you can see a signal you wish to receive.

If the received voice signal sounds unnatural - too high or too low - you must move the receiving window slightly. Instead of doing this with the mouse, you can also correct the receiving frequency with the buttons "+ 50 Hz" or "- 50 Hz".

The S-Meter shows the signal strength in 9 S-unit steps. For very strong signals, it shows by how many dB (decibel) the signal exceeds S9.

>>> Click "NEXT" to start the voice band receiver